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  Open Research Platform

*Open Research Platform diagram highlighting the areas targeting the demonstrations goes here*

Coordinated Demonstrations

1. Workload characterisation and performance modelling methods 


1. Demonstrate general methods for extracting application attributes, including target-dependent attributes (e.g. performance) and target-independent attributes (e.g. number of multipliers, store and load operations) 
2. Demonstrate how performance models can be generated to estimate exascale workload performance
3. Demonstrate simulation infrastructure (?)


- IMP (Leader): workload characterisation and performance modelling
- UVA: workload characterisation and performance modelling
- TSI (?): workload characterisation
- CAM: application support
- MAX/SYN (?): application support

**Applications:** DMC, Asian Option Pricing (?), Retinal Image Segmentation (?) 

**Related Tasks:** T2.3, T3.4

**Relation to the Open Research Platform:** 

- Input to the Platform
- Performance monitoring and prediction module
- Hardware platform model?

**Evaluation Platform:** Maxeler DFEs, TBD


- [Exascale Workload Characterization and Architecture Implications (paper)](http://www.mcs.anl.gov/papers/P3013-0712.pdf)
- [A Tool for Bottleneck Analysis and Performance Prediction for GPU-accelerated Applications](https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Rob_Van_Nieuwpoort2/publication/305871715_A_Tool_for_Bottleneck_Analysis_and_Performance_Prediction_for_GPU-Accelerated_Applications/links/57a9923c08aed76703f8f589.pdf)
2. CAOS Tools Platform


1. Demonstrate ...
2. Demonstrate ...


- PDM(Supreme Leader): main developers of CAOS
- IMP: hardware estimation
- UVA: optimal off-loading CPU-FPGAs
- GNT: polyhedral analysis and transformations
- MAX/SYN: application support 

**Applications:** Asian Option Pricing,  Retinal Image Segmentation

**Related Tasks:** T2.3, T3.2, T4.2, T4.3

**Relation to the Open Research Platform:** 
- CAOS tools platform

**Evaluation Platform:** Zynq board?


3. Virtual Reconfigurable Architecture


1. Demonstrate implementation VCGRA on a physical FPGA
2. Show the benefits of TLUTs and TCONs 


- Ruhr University Bochum
- Ghent University
- Synelexis


- Vessel Segmentation (SYN)

**Related Tasks:** 

- WP2 T2.3
- WP5 T5.3
- WP7 T7.1

**Relation to the Open Research Platform:** 
We mainly realize an additional tool flow, which combines a coarse grained overlay
architecture and the **TLUT/TCON** tool flow for the efficient implementation.

- _Pre-Frontend_: Creation of a VCGRA from an PE definition and an interconnection definition
- _Frontend_: Mapping a given application onto a VCGRA
- _Implementation_: TCON/TLUT tool flow for efficient implementation on real/virtual FPGAS
- _Backend_: Vendor tools for simulation and Implementation on FPGAs

Our tools and the tools from Ghent University need to be integrated into the open exploration platform.

We plan to provide a further design approach for reconfigurable systems

- Adjustable granularity, based on application demands
- Dynamic reconfiguration as an inherent part of the design
- Library of reusable processing elements for specific application classes

**Evaluation Platform:** 
[image:15 align:left]
    Scheme of virtual CHannel 

[image:14 align:left]
    Scheme of Processing Element of VCGRA

[image:13 align:left]
    Scheme of VCGRA

###### 3 stage concept:

**1)** Static implementation of a VCGRA using Vivado® synthesis flow

- Showing the possibilities of using VCGRA on an FPGA providing mathematical operations
- Having a running application (SYN – vessel segmentation) to show during review meeting
- Getting baseline values for area and performance

**2)** Reconfigurable implementation of a VCGRA using TLUT synthesis flow

- Showing benefits of reconfiguration using dynamic circuit specialization (area, performance)
- Having a running application on a physical FPGA

**3)** Reconfigurable implementation of a VCGRA using TCON synthesis flow

- Showing final tool flow providing information about area benefits on a hypothetical FPGA


We work with Xilinx Vendor tools (Vivado, ISE) and we plan to implement our design on a Zedboard or a VirtexV. This is caused by the fact, that the TLUT tool flow is currently only supported on these platforms.