EXTRA Exploiting eXascale Technology with Reconfigurable Architectures
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PartnersUniversity of Cambridge (CAM)

The University of Cambridge is a top-ranked research university in the world, with around 1,600 academic staff, 12,000 undergraduate students, and 6000 postgraduate students. The Department of Chemistry is one of the largest in the UK and contains within it a specialism in Theoretical Chemistry dating back to the UK's first Chair in the subject in 1932 and has been routinely at the forefront of methodological developments in the field. Within the wider university there is much collaboration between scientific departments in the production of scientific software, leading to electronic structure packages such as CASTEP and CASINO which are routinely used on HPC systems throughout the world.

Website: https://www.cam.ac.uk/
Twitter: @cambridge_uni

© 2015-2025 EXTRA

The EXTRA project has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (H2020-EU.1.2.2.) under grant agreement number 671653.