Partners › Ghent University (GNT)

Ghent University is the second largest university in Flanders – Belgium and the Faculty of Engineering is widely recognised as being the top in Belgium (together with the one from K.U.Leuven). Within the Faculty of Engineering, the Electronics and Information Systems Department (ELIS) is one of the largest departments with about 180 professors, teaching assistants, post-doctoral researchers, Ph.D. students and researchers. The Computer Systems Lab (CSL) is a research group within the ELIS Department. Led by six professors, CSL consists of over 40 people and contains four teams: HES team (Hardware and embedded Systems team), ResLab team (researching reservoir computing, machine learning and neural network techniques), the Performance team (researching modern processor architecture performance) and System Software team (researching virtualisation and compilation). CSL is the coordinator of the HiPEAC Network of Excellence on "High-Performance Embedded Architectures and Compilation".
Role: Coordination and ManagementContact: dstrooba
Twitter: @ugent
© 2015-2025 EXTRA
The EXTRA project has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 Framework Programme (H2020-EU.1.2.2.) under grant agreement number 671653.